Exhibitions Painting Uncategorized

Positive Environmental Art – PEA

I am very pleased to share that Mucosa is part of the Mid Wales Arts 2022 Climate Change Exhibition in Caersws. Available to view – 5th June to 7th August 2022

“This year’s Climate Change exhibition it is full of imaginative, daring, and sustainable artwork which can be seen in the grounds and galleries of Mid Wales Arts. Our intention is to provoke awareness and involvement, inform, raise questions and encourage conversation, so that we can all make changes to our behaviour with a view to slow down Global Warming.”

Dottie-may uses oil paint without turpentine or any alternative thinner. She stopped using toxic liquids after discovering the detrimental effects they have on the body and environment. By stopping the use of toxic materials, she developed her techniques for a more organic handling of the oil paint. 

Mucosa is symbolic of the fragility found in nature. Too often the beauty of nature is taken for granted, cast aside, and thoughtlessly consumed. Molluscs often occur as a motif in Dottie-may Aston’s work – in Mucosa we see a nymph weeping over the carcass of a shell. By compositionally inverting this nature deity, the focus is drawn to what remains of the small sea-creature’s home, which is a metaphor for our own fragile habitat.  

By Dottie-may

Dottie-may is an artist living in wales who sculpts both paint and clay using her imagination and observational skills.

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